Am 11.02.2016 00:23 schrieb "Anthony Walter" <<a href="mailto:sysrpl@gmail.com">sysrpl@gmail.com</a>>:<br>
> For those who didn't understand what I meant by using regions in the interface section rather than include files, here is an image of what is essentially in SysUtils currently:<br>
> <a href="http://cache.getlazarus.org/images/sysutils-include.gif">http://cache.getlazarus.org/images/sysutils-include.gif</a><br>
> Notice the unit file is opened the almost none of what it declares is visible. Instead the declarations are hidden in layers of header include files. This makes it difficult to open a file and see what functions, variables, classes, or types are available and can be used. And I might add that this is problem isn't exclusive to the SysUtils unit.<br>
> Now here is an example where the interface section includes are moved to regions:<br>
> <a href="http://cache.getlazarus.org/images/sysutils-region.gif">http://cache.getlazarus.org/images/sysutils-region.gif</a><br>
> Notice you can actually browse through the types and other declarations by simply scrolling down. I understand there might be situations where the interface of a unit might differ per platform, but surely those situations are in the minority, and they could either be placed in {$IFDEF} directives or just those parts could be put in include files. As it is right now nearly everything is is include files and nested include files making browsing source code declarations more difficult than it should be.<br>
> It seems like this {$I sysinth.inc} for a header and {$I sysint.inc} for an implementation harkens to C headers and C implementations, something which Pascal is supposed to have done away with.</p>
<p>This won't be changed. Period.<br>
These units are not this way for the sake of browsing, but for the sake of maintainability.</p>