<p>Am 01.02.2016 16:07 schrieb "Michael Van Canneyt" <<a href="mailto:michael@freepascal.org">michael@freepascal.org</a>>:<br>
> On Mon, 1 Feb 2016, Sven Barth wrote:<br>
>>> And modifying the scanner for this exception is a REALLY bad idea.<br>
>> Maciej is in so far right that the intrinsic could indeed be named "if" and<br>
>> the only way to call it would thus be by "&if", cause only then the scanner<br>
>> would not treat "if" as a keyword. So it would work with what the compiler<br>
>> currently can.<br>
> Then you preclude<br>
> Var<br>
> &if : Integer;<br>
> This is a really bad idea. The whole idea of & is to make the above<br>
> possible, so you are going to make an exception on an exception ?</p>
<p>That would only be precluded if the &if variable would be in the System unit...</p>
> You really want to create monstrosities as<br>
> &if:=system.&if(a>3,1,3) * b<br>
> Really guys, I know it is ugly, but we don't have to add to it even more;<br>
> Using & in a system intrinsic identifier: how crazy can you get ?<br>
> Sorry Maciej and Sven, but I will personally revert such a change, and shut down the SVN server afterwards to boot so you have time to<br>
> calm down and get back to your senses. Get a holiday or so.</p>
<p>In case you haven't read my mail carefully enough: I only stated that it's definitely possible to use "if" as an identifier for an intrinsic and to call it using "&if", because you said that it's not possible which is incorrect.<br>
I also said that I don't prefer the "&if" and merely joked that it would be more noticeable because of the "&".</p>