<p>Am 22.10.2015 09:25 schrieb "Ryan Joseph" <<a href="mailto:ryan@thealchemistguild.com">ryan@thealchemistguild.com</a>>:<br>
> Keeping in mind I know literally nothing about Windows programming, where is a good place to start? I installed Lazarus which I think is the preferred IDE for FPC (if not are there others?) and I would like to start with making a simple window programmatically and adding some controls and a menu.</p>
<p>You should maybe google for "Delphi non VCL tutorial" or something like this to find tutorials. And on that level you can more or less use everything they show in FPC as well.</p>
<p>> Are there are any example projects for this and a place I could reference the Windows headers in Pascal? I don’t even know what the Windows GUI library is called or where I could reference that online (.net maybe?).</p>
<p>For the Windows headers you only need to add unit Windows to get most of them. There are some more units that are like in Delphi (e.g. ShellApi) and even more are provided by the Jedi units (jwa*).</p>