<p>Am 24.02.2015 10:55 schrieb "Graeme Geldenhuys" <<a href="mailto:mailinglists@geldenhuys.co.uk">mailinglists@geldenhuys.co.uk</a>>:<br>
> On 2015-02-24 09:48, Mattias Gaertner wrote:<br>
> > I think what you mean is "closure".<br>
> > The functions don't need to be "anonymous" for that.<br>
> Good to know, and thanks for correcting me. I'll read up on both in the<br>
> Delphi help. These language features are all new to me.</p>
<p>AFAIK Delphi doesn't use the term "closures" though conceptually anonymous functions (as implemented by Delphi) are one way to achieve them.</p>