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<p>I was wondering if it's possible to link FPC object files by using the $Link directive? At least I have troubles in getting this to work and therefore I'm asking here. Please consider the minimal example I have attached to this email.</p>
<p>When linking the object file that implements the test_proc procedure I get the following compiler output:</p>
<p>Hint: Start of reading config file C:\lazarus\fpc\2.6.2\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.cfg<br />Hint: End of reading config file C:\lazarus\fpc\2.6.2\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.cfg<br />Free Pascal Compiler version 2.6.2 [2014/02/28] for x86_64<br />Copyright (c) 1993-2012 by Florian Klaempfl and others<br />Target OS: Win64 for x64<br />Compiling test.pp<br />Linking test.exe<br />test.pp(8,1) Error: Undefined symbol: TEST_INT_TEST_PROC<br />test.pp(8,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping</p>
<p>What is needed in the test_impl.pas file so the linker can find the implemented function? Do I need to create a library and export the function perhaps?</p>
<p>Regards, Darius Blaszyk</p>