<p>Am 03.01.2014 09:59 schrieb "Mark Morgan Lloyd" <<a href="mailto:markMLl.fpc-pascal@telemetry.co.uk">markMLl.fpc-pascal@telemetry.co.uk</a>>:<br>
> What is assignment-compatible with a bytebool etc.?</p>
<p>True, False and a Boolean variable of any other of the Boolean types.</p>
> My reading of the manual suggested that it should be possible to assign numeric zero or non-zero, but<br>
> fPB1L: bytebool;<br>
> ..<br>
> fPB1L := 0;<br>
> b5500centralcontrol.pas(119,18) Error: Incompatible types: got "ShortInt" expected "ByteBool"</p>
<p>You need to cast nevertheless. It's just that they can be used in place of e.g. BOOL parameters for WinAPI functions whereby the argument value is passed like the underlying non-Boolean datatype.</p>