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<br/>Jonas Maebe <jonas.maebe@elis.ugent.be> hat am 12. August 2012 um 15:30 geschrieben:>
<br/>> On 12 Aug 2012, at 14:37, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
<br/>> > Jonas Maebe <jonas.maebe@elis.ugent.be> hat am 12. August 2012 um 11:58
<br/>> > geschrieben:>
<br/>> >> On 12 Aug 2012, at 11:16, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
<br/>> >>
<br/>> >> [...]
<br/>> >> No, never (unless the -Cn command line parameter is passed to the compiler)
<br/>> >
<br/>> > I found it. An alias for -Cn is -E. I passed a flag, but forgot the 'd', so
<br/>> > instead of -dEnableFeature I passed -EnableFeature.
<br/>> >
<br/>> > Can I create a feature request to let fpc give a warning or error message, when
<br/>> > the -E flag has some "parameter"?
<br/>> FPC now gives an error message in such situations.
Thank You.