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<br/>Graeme Geldenhuys <graemeg.lists@gmail.com> hat am 7. August 2012 um 16:45 geschrieben:> Hi,
<br/>> On 7 August 2012 11:54, Koenraad Lelong <fpascal@brouwerij.homelinux.net> wrote:
<br/>> > The rest of the apps compile fine although I had no possibility to test them
<br/>> > since I don't yet have a suitable video-cable.
<br/>> I had to delay my Raspberry Pi order until I moved to the UK. I can't
<br/>> wait to receive mine now. :-D
<br/>> You mention you compiled all other apps fine. Does that mean including
<br/>> the fpGUI apps? Is so, brilliant - all without me having to do
<br/>> anything in fpGUI. :)
<br/>> As for your problem about compiler defines. I'm not sure, but maybe
<br/>> you could take a look at Lazarus code (if you have Lazarus available).
<br/>> Lazarus has a dialog that shows active compiler defines, but I don't
<br/>> know if they somehow query FPC, or if it is just a bunch of hard-coded
<br/>> compiler defines. Lets hope its not the latter. Anyway to get to that
<br/>> dialog in Lazarus you do: Right click in editor window -> Source ->
<br/>> Unit Information -> Show Codetools Values.
It's a mix.
Lazarus queries fpc for the standard defines and then adds/removes defines depending on the compiler options.