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<span style=" font-family:'Courier New'; font-size: 9pt;">On Tuesday, January 17, 2012, at 16:24 Mattias Gaertner wrote:<br>
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<span style=" font-family:'courier new'; font-size: 9pt;">Andreas Schneider <aksdb@gmx.de> hat am 17. Januar 2012 um 16:08 geschrieben: <br>
> <br>
> My current use case is: <br>
> - show a login form <br>
> - when login succeeds, show a progress form (connection initialization) and close login <br>
> - on failure: go back to login <br>
> - on success: show the actual application form and close the login form <br>
Instead of Application.CreateForm create the form directly. For example:<br>
while LoginForm.ShowModal<>mrOk do ;<br>
LoginForm.Free; <br>
... <br>
Application.CreateForm(Form1); <br>
<span style=" font-family:'Courier New'; font-size: 9pt;">Interesting idea ... that didn't occur to me yet. So I guess my use case IS covered already. Thanks :-)<br>
<span style=" font-family:'arial'; font-size: 8pt; color: #c0c0c0;"><i>-- <br>
Best Regards,<br>