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Andreas Schneider <aksdb@gmx.de> hat am 17. Januar 2012 um 11:23 geschrieben:
> On Sunday, January 15, 2012, at 15:04 Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> > On Sun, 15 Jan 2012 05:58:21 -0800 (PST)
> > Malvin <malvinvnv@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> So far i've managed to do the program quite well, and I was wondering, can
> >> i close the main form (form1) whils opening form2 and not closing the app?
> >> Is there any way that I can do it?
> > If you mean LCL forms: The MainForm can not be closed, but you can hide
> > it.
> But you can trick the LCL into changing what Form is considered to be
> the MainForm.
> Btw. is there any chance for having an official way to do this? i.e.
> making TApplication.MainForm a writable property? (I ask this here
> instead of opening a ticket because I suspect there's a good reason
> why this isn't available yet, which you will tell me now. :-))
<p style="margin: 0px;"> </p>
<p style="margin: 0px;">No one needed it yet.</p>
<p style="margin: 0px;">The MainForm contains the default main menu and its handle is used as default handle. All widgetsets must be checked. </p>
<p style="margin: 0px;"> </p>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Mattias</p>
<p style="margin: 0px;"> </p>