Hi<br><br>Is FPC 2.2.2 really the latest native release for ARM processors?<br>I guess it can build the more recent versions. (?)<br><br>In school we have an interesting project "Developing Open Source Systems" where the idea is to make an internet router out of small DreamPlug computer by Globalscale Technologies, using ready-made open source SW as much as possible.<br>
It has a 1.2 GHz ARM CPU. I would like to install FPC there out of curiosity and then maybe use it in the project.<br>Installing cross-compilers in school machines is not an options, we will use native compilers instead.<br>
<br>The OS will be Linux Debian or Ubuntu. Can you install FPC for them from a repository as you can for the x86 versions?<br><br>I was already looking for net protocol related components. FPC has at least lnet for ARM.<br>
<br>Those small machines are amazing. 1.2 GHz CPU and half a GB memory was a decent desktop machine just few years ago, but those machines consumed power much more.<br><br>Has anyone got experience of editing source in a PC (with Lazarus) and then transferring the source through a serial port to an embedded device to be compiled. Are there any tools to make it easier?<br>
Maybe people only use cross-compilers and move binaries, I don't know.<br><br>Juha<br><br>