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<tt>Hi List.<br>
I get the following error when crosscompiling lNet to arm-linux.<br>
$ fpc -MObjFPC -Sgim -CX -O2 -Parm -gs -gl -vew -l -Fi../lib/sys
-Fu../lib -Fu. -FUlib/arm-linux/ -dLNET_BASE -fPIC lnetbase.pas <br>
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.4.4 [2011/11/14] for arm<br>
Copyright (c) 1993-2010 by Florian Klaempfl<br>
Target OS: Linux for ARMEL<br>
Compiling lnetbase.pas<br>
Compiling /home/torsten/FreePascal/lnet/lib/lnet.pp<br>
Compiling /home/torsten/FreePascal/lnet/lib/levents.pp<br>
Compiling /home/torsten/FreePascal/lnet/lib/lcommon.pp<br>
<b>lcommon.pp(370,13) Fatal: Internal error 200502052</b><br>
Fatal: Compilation aborted<br>
Error: /usr/bin/ppcrossarm returned an error exitcode (normal if
you did not specify a source file to be compiled)<br>
Is this a bug in the compiler?<br>
Kind regards,<br>
Torsten Bonde Christiansen.<br>