Hi all, <br><br>I am developing a new app using a persistence framework initially developed for Delphi.<br>The following code doesn't compile:<br><br>published<br> property AsTimeStamp: TTimeStamp read GetAsTimeStamp write SetAsTimeStamp;<br>
<br><br>published<br> property AsBCD: TBCD read GetAsBCD write SetAsBCD;<br><br>The compiler error is: Error: This kind of property can't be published<br>If I move the properties declaration to the public section of the class declaration,it's fine.<br>
<br>The class implements an interface of the type: <br><br> // Interface to provide access to attribute as TimeStamp<br> IAsTimeStampAccess = interface(IInterface)<br> ['{257D2135-478A-4D46-918F-289678567B7F}']<br>
function GetAsTimeStamp: TTimeStamp;<br> procedure SetAsTimeStamp(const aValue: TTimeStamp);<br> property AsTimeStamp: TTimeStamp read GetAsTimeStamp write SetAsTimeStamp;<br> end;<br><br>But it works for string, integer and other basic type properties.<br>
<br>Is this a bug?<br><br>Best regards,<br><br>Gerard.<br>