Paul,<br><br>Thanks for working on adding methods and visibility to record types. Could you also look into fixing generics? That is, to allow for generic constraints and remove the redundant generic and specialize keywords. For example:<br>
<br>{code}<br><br>type<br> TList<T> = class { ... interface code ... } end;<br> TIntegerList = class(TList<Integer>) end;<br> TObjectList<T: TObject> = class(TList<T>) end;<br>
<br>var<br> Dates: TList<TDateTime>;<br>
Integers: TIntegerList;<br> Threads: TObjectList<TThread>; <br><br>{code}<br>
<br>Note the lack of redundant generic and specialize keywords. It is obvious the type is generic by virtue of the <> angle brackets after the type identifier. Also notice the type constraint after T in the object list type declaration.<br>