When I google search for "FPC generics" tohe top result links here:<br><br><a href="http://wiki.freepascal.org/Generics">http://wiki.freepascal.org/Generics</a><br><br>Two cases:<br><br>1) type generic TList<T> = class // ... as is now, the word generic is redundant<br>
<br>2) type TList<T> = class // ... better and in line with Delphi<br><br>It seems both were on the suggested list. How did version case 1 win out? To me it would seem that pascal has always been about:<br><br>[type block] [identifier] = [type declare] ;<br>
[const block] [identifier] = [const declare];<br>
[var block] [identifier, [identifier, ...]] : [var declare];<br>
<br>Where identifier was always the first token to begin a type, var, or const block. Oh well, I hope someday we can revert Free Pascal the language to case 2.<br><br>