I'm trying my first compilation under mandriva 2006 and receive a message I can solve, may someone you help me?<br> <br>See snapshot below:<br><br><br>[ricardo@c9511810 prog_apoio]$ fpc geratestadoresintegridadereferencial
<br>Free Pascal Compiler version 2.0.4 [2006/08/20] for i386<br>Copyright (c) 1993-2006 by Florian Klaempfl<br>Target OS: Linux for i386<br>Compiling geratestadoresintegridadereferencial.pas<br>geratestadoresintegridadereferencial.pas
(2,8) Note: Ignored compiler switch "$G"<br>Linking geratestadoresintegridadereferencial<br><strong>Error: Util ld not found, switching to external linking</strong><br>Error: /usr/bin/ppc386 returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specify a source file to be compiled)
<br>[ricardo@c9511810 prog_apoio]$ <br> <br>