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Steve Williams wrote:<br>
<blockquote cite="mid44C73582.5010805@kromestudios.com" type="cite">Michael
Van Canneyt wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">Which is why I think that it's better to have
them as local functions,
instead of having to introduce a lot of new functions.
Local functions are very pascal-ish. C doesn't have it, which is why
they can't use it.
Let's use the language features to their full extent.
*procedure* SubTask(*var* x : *array of* Float);
/// Variables declared here have /|*private*|/ context./
iam : Integer;
nt : Integer;
ipoints : Integer;
iam := OMP.Get_Thread_Num; /// OMP library calls./
nt := OMP.Get_Num_Threads;
ipoints := Length (x) *div* nt; /// size of partition/
istart := iam * ipoints; /// starting array index/
*if* iam = Pred (nt) *then*
ipoints := Length (x) - istart; /// last thread may do more/
SubDomain (x, istart, ipoints);
Wouldn't it be better to write it like this:<br>
procedure SubTask(var x: array of Float); <b>parallel</b>;<br>