<p><tt><font size="4">>></font></tt><tt><i><font size="4"> On Thu, 2004-01-22 at 05:17, Marco van de Voort wrote:<br>
</font></i></tt><tt><font size="4">>></font></tt><tt><i><font size="4"> > > I was trying to compile the sqlite example with the new 1.9.2 version of<br>
</font></i></tt><tt><font size="4">>></font></tt><tt><i><font size="4"> > > FPC and got the following error. Don't know exactly what it means. I<br>
</font></i></tt><tt><font size="4">>></font></tt><tt><i><font size="4"> > > am running Gentoo Linux on a AMD Athlon and installed FPC 1.9.2 using<br>
</font></i></tt><tt><font size="4">></font></tt><tt><font size="4">></font></tt><tt><i><font size="4"> > > the beta release. Lazarus compiles fine.<br>
</font></i></tt><tt><font size="4"><br>
>></font></tt><tt><i><font size="4"> <br>
</font></i></tt><tt><font size="4">>></font></tt><tt><i><font size="4"> > Do not compile files in build directories, and don't include build<br>
</font></i></tt><tt><font size="4">>></font></tt><tt><i><font size="4"> > directories in your search path.<br>
</font></i></tt><tt><font size="4">>></font></tt><tt><i><font size="4"> <br>
</font></i></tt><tt><font size="4">>></font></tt><tt><i><font size="4"> Sorry, could you explain this one? I did make where the source and<br>
</font></i></tt><tt><font size="4">>></font></tt><tt><i><font size="4"> makefile was; in the /usr/local/src/packages/base/sqlite . Is there a<br>
</font></i></tt><tt><font size="4">></font></tt><tt><font size="4">></font></tt><tt><i><font size="4"> way to invoke it elsewhere?<br>
</font></i></tt><tt><font size="4"><br>
>></font></tt><tt><i><font size="4"> I added -Fi/usr/local/src/fpc-1.9.2/rtl/* to the searchpath in fpc.cfg<br>
</font></i></tt><tt><font size="4">>></font></tt><tt><i><font size="4"> so it wouldnt complain about finding sysunixh.inc<br>
</font></i></tt><tt><font size="4"><br>
>It should remake the rtl at all. Simples maybe is to temporarily rename<br>
>/usr/local/src/fpc-1.9.2/rtl/ to .../rtl2<br>
>The FPC makefiles actively search for the RTL root directory when compiling<br>
>in the tree, and some change in defines or dates might cause them to<br>
>You can guard against this by compiling your snapshot with RELEASE=1, which<br>
>adds a parameter to the buildprocess that signals "never rebuild this" (parameter -Ur)<br>
I will try that tonight, however, my problem began when it wanted to use the sysunixh.inc file for some reason... thats when i added the path to the rtl in the src directory.. If I change the name to rtl2 won't it err out on not finding sysunixh.inc? <br>
I installed fpc 1.9.2 from the beta2 install... this seems to be the problem.. i didnt actually compile fpc. maybe i should pull it from cvs and do a make cycle. <br>
Matt Henley (This is my work address, please respond to mhenley@houston.rr.com)</body></html>