[fpc-pascal] pas2js Webgl unit committed

Ryan Joseph ryan at thealchemistguild.com
Thu May 3 11:00:35 CEST 2018

> On May 3, 2018, at 12:53 PM, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal <fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org> wrote:
> A "make all" in the top level directory should suffice (yes, that will build all of FPC, but that is at least more or less guaranteed to work). You can then pick the pas2js binary from the utils/pas2js/bin directory. 

Make all built the compiler but I didn’t get a /bin directory in pas2js for some reason. I tried using “make clean” and tried again but still nothing. Any ideas?

Ryans-MacBook-Pro:pas2js ryanjoseph$ ls /Developer/ObjectivePascal/fpc/utils/pas2js
Makefile		docs			pas2js.pp
Makefile.fpc		fpmake.lpi		pas2jslib.lpi
compileserver.lpi	fpmake.pp		pas2jslib.pp
compileserver.pp	httpcompiler.pp		samples
dirwatch.pp		pas2js.cfg
dist			pas2js.lpi

Start compiling package pastojs for target i386-darwin.
       Compiling pastojs/src/fppas2js.pp
       Compiling pastojs/src/fppjssrcmap.pp
       Compiling pastojs/src/pas2jsfilecache.pp
       Compiling pastojs/src/pas2jslogger.pp
       Compiling pastojs/src/pas2jsfileutils.pp
       Compiling pastojs/src/pas2jsfiler.pp
       Compiling pastojs/src/pas2jspparser.pp
       Compiling pastojs/src/pas2jscompiler.pp
       Compiling pastojs/src/pas2jslibcompiler.pp
[ 96%] Compiled package pastojs

	Ryan Joseph

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