[fpc-pascal] _Release call location for unused function results

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Tue Jan 30 00:12:01 CET 2018

On 2018-01-29 22:32, Zoƫ Peterson wrote:
> Is Free Pascal's behavior intentional?  Can it be changed to match Delphi?

Something I've queried with the FPC developers some 10 years ago. The 
Delphi behaviour is undocumented, so developers are relying on a 
implementation detail that could change without notice.

FPC, as you noticed, implements such behaviour differently. They can, 
because once again, the Delphi behaviour in undocumented.

As someone that also works on Delphi code, the "cool interfaces trick" 
so often used in Delphi (eg: to implement a home-grown call stack etc) 
doesn't work so nicely with FPC - where you need a interface reference 

Anyway, the FPC team had no intention in changing the behaviour to 
something that is undocumented. So we had to learn to live with it. 
Maybe you have more luck with them that I did. ;-)


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