[fpc-pascal] silly question

duilio foschi duiliofoschi at euplan.com
Sun May 7 21:03:18 CEST 2017

I got stuck with the symlinks.

The level of indirection is rather complex.

Finally I

1. reinstalled v. 2.6.2 from scratch
2. copied directory zeosdbo from server A to server B
3. copied file /etc/fpc.cfg from server A to server B

now (finally!) everything works as expected.

Thank you


2017-05-07 17:13 GMT+02:00 Michael Van Canneyt <michael at freepascal.org>:
> On Sun, 7 May 2017, duilio foschi wrote:
>> I am have FPC v. 2.6.2 installed on linux/ubuntu server A.
>> I am sure I did some change to zeos library in server A, but I cannot
>> remember details.
>> I'd like to have the same version of FPC installed on a new
>> linux/ubuntu server B.
>> I found that  FPC v. 3.0.2 was already installed on server B.
>> Using my poor skills in linux, I took the following steps:
>> 1. deleted directory /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2 of server B
> That was not necessary. You can perfectly have 2 versions of FPC
> co-existing.
>> 2. copied directory /usr/lib/fpc/2.6.2 of server A into server B (used
>> scp)
>> Now a few strange things happen:
>> a. if I try to run fpc from - say - /usr/lib/cgi-bin , I get the message
>> Error: ppcx64 can't be executed, error message: Failed to execute
>> "ppcx64", error code: 127
> Did you correct the symlink /usr/bin/ppcx64 ? it should point to
> /usr/lib/fpc/2.6.2/ppcx64
>> b. if I try to run fpc from /usr/lib/fpc/2.6.2, a lot of Zeos lib
>> units are compiled EVERY TIME. This for sure was not happening before
>> (see below).
>> I did something silly, right ?
> Ill-advised, perhaps.
>> Any help in order to fix the install ?
> The above should help you to get things compiling again.
> About recompilation of zeos units; 2.6.2 may work differently to 3.0.2
> regarding circular units which causes a recompile. Or the zeeos units in
> your search path are the old ones.
> Michael.
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