[fpc-pascal] Pipe vs Memory buffer.

silvioprog silvioprog at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 03:12:17 CET 2017

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 8:20 PM, fredvs <fiens at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hello.
> Some news from the front:
> var
> BufferURL : array of float;
> .....
> PipeBufferSize := $4000 ;
> CreatePipeHandles(InHandle, OutHandle, PipeBufferSize);
> InPipe := TInputPipeStream.Create(InHandle);
> OutPipe := TOutputPipeStream.Create(OutHandle);
> httpget := TThreadHttpGetter.Create(opus_url,OutPipe);
> setlength(BufferURL, PipeBufferSize);
> // This to have the buffer as parameter ???
> InPipe.Read(BufferURL,PipeBufferSize);
> op_test_memory(BufferURL,PipeBufferSize, Err);
> => Gives as error:  -133 =>
> A required header packet was not properly formatted, contained illegal
> values, or was missing altogether.
> So it seems that the buffer was accepted, only miss the header ?
> Difficult to explore when there is no documentation how to do nor examples.

I had never tried pipes before, but it seems FPC has a unit to handle that:
`iostream`, so today I played a very simple test:

program project1;
uses sysutils, iostream;
const buf_sz = 1024;
  buf: tbytes;
  sz: longint;
  stdin: tiostream;
  stdin := tiostream.create(iosinput);
    setlength(buf, buf_sz);
    // it is just a test, so I limited it to 1024 bytes, please read the
entire content by yourself! :-)
    sz := stdin.read(buf[0], buf_sz);
    if sz < buf_sz then
      setlength(buf, sz);

in my terminal:

$ echo "Yes" | ./project1

However, I don't know if you are searching exactly that, anyway you can
check the iosinput sources. :-)

Any idea is highly welcome.
> Fe;D
> -----
> Many thanks ;-)

Silvio Clécio
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