[fpc-pascal] Missing messages

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 31 17:15:50 CET 2016

Am 30.10.2016 20:14 schrieb "Jonas Maebe" <jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be>:
> José Mejuto wrote:
> > Today I had detected that some emails does not reach me in this mailing
> > list, in fact the last ones from "leledumbo" about JSON parsing, but
> > Graeme and Michael ones arrive successfully
> It's because Yahoo publishes mail server records (DMARC) that state that
> messages from yahoo.co.id must be signed by Yahoo's mail servers (i.e.,
> they must be sent via them), and GMail refuses messages that do not
> conform to this requirement. leledumbo posts via an nntp gateway, so he
> violates the policies that Yahoo advertises and that GMail checks.
> Newer versions of our mailing list software can work around this by
> rewriting the from-address, but for that we first have to update our

Maybe we should indeed do that. For the Lazarus lists that was already done
on their server and I'd guess that the problems will only get worse.

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