[fpc-pascal] Freepascal templating engines with logical structures

ABorka fpc-devel at aborka.com
Wed Sep 17 07:17:29 CEST 2014

You do not need to use javascript. There are examples for fpTemplate on 
how to do this. See .../packages/fcl-base/texts/fptemplate.txt for details.
Examples are in .../packages/fcl-web/examples/fptemplate/...

All your logic (loop) can be in your fpc source code for grids.

What you seem to want is something php-like, to interpret commands from 
the html template. But that way the program logic and display template 
would not be separate.


On 9/16/2014 21:51, luciano de souza wrote:
> Hello all,
> I Know two templating engines for Freepascal: FPTemplate e JTemplate.
> Both can be successfully used for html construction.
> But they presents the same aspect: only searches and replaces tags to values.
> Of course, it's crucial. But to show html grids, obtained from
> database queries, it would be better if the templating engine had
> support for logical structures. Something like:
> <table>
> <%
> for row in rows do
> begin
> write('<tr>');
> for cell in cells do
> writeln('<td>%s</td>', [cell]);
> write('</tr>');
> end;
> %>
> </table>
> It's only an example. The engine can use a syntax different from Pascal.
>   But what I really like is not to use Javascript. Yes, in the Pascal
> side, I could write a JSON and certainly, there would be several
> Javascript libraries to show a grid from a JSON. However, I would like
> a pure Pascal solution.
> Are there templating engines in Pascal with support for logical structures?
> Regards,

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