[fpc-pascal] respawn a daemon in Linux

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Tue Jan 14 11:42:01 CET 2014

On 01/14/2014 11:26 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> Does it exit in a sufficiently-controlled state

Yep. If nothing completely unexpected happens, it writes a message in a 
log file and cleanly exits. Of course there _might_ be memory leaks, an 
unexpected kill signal or other queer stuff that could kill the 

> that you could simply exec a new copy at the end of the finalization 
> block? 

Using SysUtils.ExecuteProcess ? Do you think that this will work 
cleanly, even though the dying process would be the parent of the new 
one ? AFAIR, Linux performs a "reparent" at this point and assign the 
grand-parent. So it really might work.

Is the finalization block executed even when a "nasty" exception like 
"kill signal",  "nonexisting address", or "division by zero" happens ?

> The available parameters should be accessible in /proc.
Yep. In fact I would need a parameter that activates this feature, so 
that the program also can be run normally. No problem here.


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