[fpc-pascal] Re: StrUtils.RomanToInt oddities

Alberto Narduzzi albertonarduzzi at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 23 23:24:07 CEST 2013

>> What about making an option of it?

> If it accepts, then it should apply the subtraction rule: only the
> (one) numeral left to the other (bigger one) can be subtracted.
> So IIIM would be III + IM = 3 + 1000-1 = 1002 (and not 1000-3 = 997)
> There should be no ambiguity there, it's only a pain to watch it.

as I said, roman numerals what they are.

If you want to invent something new, nowadays, extending the roman 
numerals to your like, well (growl!) feel free to do it, but do not 
pretend to call them so.

IIIM has no meaning in roman numerals. FULL STOP. There is no such logic 
as you depict it. 1002 = MII, and 997 = CMXCVII.
All the rest is pure bull**** in terms of roman numerals by the very name.

I begin to have a feeling that here somebody is merely talking nonsense; 
say, like pretending to use the digit 2 in the binary system...

This is no decimal notation logic; things are as they are, so do not 
pretend to give roman numerals a value according to their position in 
the number itself; it is pure NONSENSE here.

Or maybe you have no clue about, so do not litter Pascal with something 
you don't know anything about, which will only make you just ridicule; 
possibly (hope not, thou') by the very Embarcadero/Delphi guys... which 
is not so good for Freepascal, really.

Ah, BTW, what Delphi does (as I read maybe on the very first reply to 
the topic, sic), here, makes no sense too. Roman numerals are what they 
are, irrelevantly of what somebody *may think they are*.


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