[fpc-pascal] Re: Cross Compile : treefilteredit.pas(60, 60) Error: Illegal expression

waldo kitty wkitty42 at windstream.net
Sun Nov 24 20:20:21 CET 2013

On 11/24/2013 9:27 AM, leledumbo wrote:
> Seems like your compiler is buggy, my trunk compiler has no problem there
> though so you might want to try updating your compiler.

is that the trunk *crosscompiler* for linux 64bit -> linux 32bit?

just trying to point out the OP's specifics...

1. perhaps their system is finding the wrong sources?
2. i wonder what their command line is?
3. i wonder what the version output of their 
/home/deskx/Aplicativos/fpclaz/bin/ppc386 is?
4. is the compiler in #3 their 64bit->32bit crosscompiler, their 64bit compiler 
or their 32bit compiler?

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