[fpc-pascal] FPC 2.6.2 for DOS/Go32V2 FP.PAS cannot compile with GDB support

Lubomír Čabla kladno at gmail.com
Thu Nov 7 20:15:47 CET 2013

Attempt to compile IDE from snapshot with GDB:

FPC GO32V2 2.6.2 is installed in z:\pp
PATH contains Z:\pp\bin\go32v2

Instruction from Tomas Hajny does not work:

*creating directory "libgdb" next to "rtl", "ide" and "packages", unpacking*
*content of the downloaded file there and then compiling again using:*

*make clean rtl_all packages_all ide_all "OPT=-gl -O-"*

Ii fails with error message

on screen:

z:/pp/bin/go32v2/ld.exe: cannot find -lgdb
make.exe[3]: *** [fp.exe] Error 1
make.exe[2]: *** [buildfp] Error 2
make.exe[1]: *** [gdb] Error 2
make.exe: *** [ide_all] Error 2

in LOG file:

make.exe[3]: Entering directory `z:/fpc/ide'
LibGDB not found

make.exe[3]: Leaving directory `z:/fpc/ide'
z:/pp/bin/go32v2/make.exe fpc_all
make.exe[3]: Entering directory `z:/fpc/ide'
Z:/pp/bin/go32v2/ppc386.exe -di386 -Ur -Xs -O2 -n -Sg
-Fuz:/fpc/rtl/units/go32v2 -Fuz:/fpc/packages/fv/units/go32v2
-Fuz:/fpc/packages/fcl-xml/units/go32v2 -Fuz:/fpc/packages/chm/units/go32v2
-Fuz:/fpc/packages/graph/units/go32v2 -FE. -FUunits/go32v2 -gl -O-
-dRELEASE -dNODEBUG   fp.pas
fp.pas(553,1) Error: Error while linking
fp.pas(553,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make.exe[3]: Leaving directory `z:/fpc/ide'
make.exe[2]: Leaving directory `z:/fpc/ide'
make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `z:/fpc/ide'

So, I made this:

1. download source package 21.10.2013
   Revision: 25838
   Last Changed Rev: 25765

2. unpacked to z:\fpc

3. download

   *unpacked files in directory libgdb copied to Z:\fpc\libgdb\go32v2*

3. command for compilation:

Z:\fpc>make rtl_all packages_all ide_all>x131107.log

on screen I got these mesaages:

v2prt0.as: Assembler messages:
v2prt0.as:330: Warning: indirect ljmp without `*'
v2prt0.as:404: Warning: indirect lcall without `*'
exceptn.as: Assembler messages:
exceptn.as:362: Warning: indirect ljmp without `*'
exceptn.as:414: Warning: indirect ljmp without `*'
*z:\fpc\libgdb\go32v2\/libc.a(crt1.o):crt1.c:(.data+0x0): multiple
definition of `__bss_count'*
*z:\fpc\rtl\units\go32v2\prt0.o:v2prt0.as:(.data+0x94): first defined here*
*z:\fpc\libgdb\go32v2\/libc.a(crt1.o):crt1.c:(.data+0x4): multiple
definition of `__PROXY'*
*z:\fpc\rtl\units\go32v2\prt0.o:v2prt0.as:(.data+0xba): first defined here*
*z:\fpc\libgdb\go32v2\/libc.a(crt1.o):crt1.c:(.data+0xc): multiple
definition of `__PROXY_LEN'*
*z:\fpc\rtl\units\go32v2\prt0.o:v2prt0.as:(.data+0xc2): first defined here*
*z:\fpc\libgdb\go32v2\/libc.a(crt1.o):crt1.c:(.text+0x45c): undefined
reference to `_crt0_init_mcount'*
make.exe[3]: *** [fp.exe] Error 1
make.exe[2]: *** [buildfp] Error 2
make.exe[1]: *** [gdb] Error 2
make.exe: *** [ide_all] Error 2

Error in LOG file is:

make.exe[3]: Entering directory `z:/fpc/ide'
Z:/pp/bin/go32v2/ppc386.exe -di386 -Flz:/fpc/libgdb/go32v2 -Ur -Xs -O2 -n
-Sg -Fuz:/fpc/rtl/units/go32v2 -Fuz:/fpc/packages/fv/units/go32v2
-Fuz:/fpc/packages/fcl-xml/units/go32v2 -Fuz:/fpc/packages/chm/units/go32v2
-Fuz:/fpc/packages/graph/units/go32v2 -FE. -FUunits/go32v2 -dRELEASE
fp.pas(553,1) Error: Error while linking
fp.pas(553,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted

For more information see the log file x131107.log.

What I am doing wrong?
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