[fpc-pascal] Re: HMAC_SHA1 and FPC

Noah Silva shiruba at galapagossoftware.com
Tue Apr 2 10:04:54 CEST 2013

Hi Reinier,

2013/4/2 Reinier Olislagers <reinierolislagers at gmail.com>

> ...
> be updated until you update it and ship a new version of your program
> > and everyone installs it.  If you dynamically link to it, then then the
> > operating system updates it, you get the updates "for free".
> If you feel so strongly about it, why not submit a patch that uses
> OpenSSL on platforms that are sure to have it and use Silvio's native
> code for others?

Haha I was just mentioning one positive benefit.  Also, I am pretty sure
Synapse can use the OpenSSL DLLs.

I am much more likely to submit some patches to the OS X GUI for Lazarus
that I have been fixing in the last week or so.  We'll see.

Thank you,
    Noah Silva

p.s.: I don't see a big deal in pulling in something like Synapse so long
as it compiles easily for your platform.  You don't have to use all the
units, and the linker shouldn't even include all of the code from the units
you do use.  If you only use one function that is mostly contained (like
HMAC), then it shouldn't add much to your program's size in the scheme of
things.  I don't like when people use things that aren't really needed
mainly because you have to then download them and pray they compile on your
setup.  (And in some cases, recompile Lazarus!).  For more common things
that "just work", I have no issue.
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