[fpc-pascal] installing FPC 2.6.0 on OS/2

Tomas Hajny XHajT03 at hajny.biz
Sat Jan 14 14:06:46 CET 2012

On 14 Jan 12, at 5:13, waldo kitty wrote:
> On 1/13/2012 12:24, Tomas Hajny wrote:
> > On Fri, January 13, 2012 16:48, waldo kitty wrote:
> i use 4OS2 and both return the same path...
>  >which as
>    209 rwx 1  bin 212992 Feb 23 2004 10:43:38 h:\fp\2.6.0\bin\os2\as.exe
>  >which ld
>     97 rwx 1  bin  98308 Dec 19 1998 18:51:42 h:\fp\2.6.0\bin\os2\ld.exe

<off topic>My memory didn't serve well here, this output clearly 
comes from some external port of the original implementation of the 
'which' tool installed on your machine and I just found that 4OS2 
doesn't contain such an internal command contrary to my original 
belief. That doesn't change anything, it serves the intended purpose 
anyway.</off topic>

Alright, this indeed doesn't suggest anything weird.

> i've also looked at fp.ini and fpc.cfg and don't find anything related that 
> might be causing this... the only thing i have done with those files, actually, 
> is to replace "2.6.0" with "$FPCVERSION" so that i can easily share (ie: copy) 
> the project directory with other machines... i've initially developed this tool 
> on w2k and then copied that directory over to the OS/2 box... i also have a copy 
> on my vista laptop so i can work on it when i'm at work or otherwise out and 
> about with my laptop ;)

Yes, that certainly makes sense. My point was mainly - could it be 
that you have -FD option specified in fpc.cfg while it is missing in 
fp.cfg (sorry, not fp.ini) and in effect for the compilation mode 
selected in the IDE (NORMAL/DEBUG/RELEASE), or that you have this 
option in both the files but pointing to different directories?


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