[fpc-pascal] Re: FPC with case insensitive file system under Linux

Jorge Aldo G. de F. Junior jagfj80 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 11:32:51 CET 2012

2012/2/27 Jürgen Hestermann <juergen.hestermann at gmx.de>:
> Virgo Pärna schrieb:
>>    Essentialy, case insensitive filesystems are less problematic.
> No, just the opposite. The  problems are only moved (and increased) from the
> techie level (where it should belong to) to the user.
> This is not a good idea IMO.
> If there problems with capitalization of certain characters exist then these
> problems should be solved or
> if that's not possible for some reason such characters should not be allowed
> in file systems.
> But giving it all over to the user and tell him  "We did not know how to
> handle this mess, just try yourself" is not a solution.

Isnt that the unix/c philosophy ? "If you dont know how to handle the
problem, pretend the problem doesnt exists..."

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