[fpc-pascal] Free Pascal 2.6.0rc1 released

Tomas Hajny XHajT03 at hajny.biz
Sat Nov 26 18:22:57 CET 2011

On 26 Nov 11, at 18:17, Bernd wrote:
> 2011/11/25 Marco van de Voort <marcov at stack.nl>:
> > If
> > people are so easily confused, they should stay away from development
> > branches.
> This is supposed to be a stable branch and there is no need for
> personal attacks.

No, it will become a new stable branch once 2.6.0 is released.

> > Specially since fixes_2_6 is an exact copy of RC1 except for the
> > version, so there is no real motivation to use it.
> Its just a coincidence that they are still identical. The motivation
> for using subversion instead of doing a full download on every release
> is to always have the latest 2.6.x plus all the latest fixes for it.

There is no 2.6.x release yet. If you want something stable, stay in 
2.4.x until 2.6.0 is released.

> Until recently I have been using the latest trunk all the time, only
> during the last few months I had some problems with it, some revisions
> didn't even compile on my system due to some major work going on in
> the RTL and I finally decided to change down a gear and stay with the
> latest stable branch for a while.

That makes sense, but you are in a wrong branch then.


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