[fpc-pascal] com port using prolific driver

johnelee1944 at googlemail.com johnelee1944 at googlemail.com
Sun Mar 20 19:47:07 CET 2011

Paul and other responders, thanks. Think I'ma bit clearer how to do it now.

q1) My com device is an energy monitor that sends a block of xml data, 1000  
bytes or so, every 6 secs. Guess this means I might be better 'using getbuf  
or whatever it's called in synaser, rather than single char at a time? Any  
examples of using this welcome.

q2) does synaser work on win98/me?

Regards John

On , Paul Breneman <Paul2006 at brenemanlabs.com> wrote:
> John,

> I'm trying to get data from a device via a serial (com) port, 9600 baud,

> connected via the prolific cable (serial to usb). This allows one to  
> connect

> a serial device via a usb port (many new PCs do not have a real serial  
> port.

> I've loaded the prolific driver.

> Anyone have fpc program that'll work on win xp.

> I have some files here that might help you get started using the SynaSer  
> package with FPC:

> http://www.turbocontrol.com/simpleserial.htm

> --

> Regards,

> Paul Breneman

> www.dbReplication.com - VCL database replication components

> www.TurboControl.com - Hardware and software development services

> - Educational programming project for environment monitoring

> - Information on using FreePascal for embedded systems

> - Support information for the TurboPower open source libraries

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