[fpc-pascal] fpdoc and multiple Include paths issue

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Tue Jun 8 18:31:53 CEST 2010

Hello FPC-Pascal,

Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 2:23:52 PM, you wrote:

>> I know, and tried both just too see. But as Jonas has said, FPC
>> itself uses
>> semi-colon on all platforms, hence the reason I tried semi-colon  
>> first.
JM> The compiler should actually be changed to use the platform-specific
JM> separator, because a directory on a unix platform can perfectly  
JM> contain a semi-colon.

A Windows folder can have a ';' also.

F:\>md "Dot;comma"

F:\>dir dot*

 Volume in drive F is unlabeled      Serial number is 40AC:DFAA
 Directory of  F:\dot*

 8/06/2010  18:29         <DIR>    Dot;comma
              0 bytes in 0 files and 1 dir
 15.094.943.744 bytes free
Best regards,

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