[fpc-pascal] FPClassChart

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Fri Apr 23 09:58:25 CEST 2010

Mattias Gaertner het geskryf:
> No. The fcl-passrc is not optimized for speed (it uses TList and
> creates a lot of strings) and I would estimate it supports only
> half of the fpc languages features. 

Excluding your comment on lacking fpc language features... Is the speed
difference between fcl-passrc parser and CodeTools parser really noticeable
from a developer (end-user) using a IDE point of view, or is the speed
difference only noticeable in "speed test" environments.

As far as I know fpdoc uses fcl-passrc, and I can't say I have really
noticed a speed issue when generating docs. This brings me to another
point. If fpdoc uses fcl-passrc parser, then surely it [the parsel] should
support "more that half the fpc language features" otherwise fpdoc wouldn't
be able to document (parse) the RTL and FCL. Correct?? So maybe your
"supports only half" comment is a slight exaggeration?  Just my personal
observation, I don't know fcl-passrc code at all.

> The idea is to help find errors early. It helps me a lot. Maybe not
> that much for others.
> But I plan to add some more skips/ignores.

Like many other features, wouldn't it be worth improving the code that is
included with FPC instead of always reinventing the wheel? Maybe
incorporate the CodeTools speed & features into fcl-passrc so that
eventually CodeTools and any other project wanting to parse Object Pascal
source code, could use fcl-passrc parser?

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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