[fpc-pascal] Published -> Public

Martin fpc at mfriebe.de
Sat Apr 17 02:24:05 CEST 2010

On 17/04/2010 00:29, Marc Weustink wrote:
> Flávio Etrusco wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 4:54 PM, José Mejuto <joshyfun at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello FPC-Pascal,
>>> Friday, April 16, 2010, 9:06:45 PM, you wrote:
>>> FE> Published methods can be found with TObject.MethodAddress, 
>>> that's how
>>> FE> the lfm hook event handlers (and why Form event handlers are
>>> FE> published).
>>> Yes, but thats for streamable objects like TForm, or any component,
>>> but I think that that's not the case of TWSxxxx objects which are the
>>> widgetset interface, and also all of them are "class procedure".
>>> Marc says in Lazarus that a "virtual class tree" is formed with such
>>> published methods, I do not know the need of it or the mission, but if
>>> it is OK it is OK ;) for me.
>>> -- 
>>> Best regards,
>>>  José
>> Sure, I was just saying that in a different context. I found Marc's
>> observation very weird, and I'm (still) going to check it.
> Its not my observation, but my implementations :)
> Imagine the following "base" widgetdset tree (best viewed with a fixed 
> font)
> TWSBase
>  |
>  + TWSWinControl
>  |  |
>  |  + TWSButton
>  |
>  + TWSSomeOther
> Now we have a widgetset, say XXX, implementing these classes
> when you use the normal inheritence you get a tree like:
> TWSBase - TWSXXXBase
>  |
>  + TWSWinControl - TWSXXXWinControl
>  |  |
>  |  + TWSButton - TWSXXXButton
>  |
>  + TWSSomeOther - TWSXXXSomeOther
> Now you see a problem here. You would expect TWSXXXButton to be 
> derived from TWSXXXWinControl, but it isn't, so it doesn't have the 
> TWSXXXWinControl implementation.
> Now comes the "vitrual" class tree lazarus uses. Based on RTTI it 
> creates its own VMT tables, rewriting the tree to:
> TWSBase
>  |
>  + TWSXXXBase
>     |
>     + TWSWinControl
>     |  |
>     |  + TWSXXXWinControl
>     |     |
>     |     + TWSButton
>     |        |
>     |        + TWSXXXButton
>     |
>     + TWSSomeOther
>        |
>        + TWSXXXSomeOther
> Now TWSXXXButton is derived from TWSXXXWinControl


I thought (not even sure why I thought it, or were I pcked it up; so it 
may be wrong, in which case just tell me)...
... that the compiler could optimize an "inherited" call.

TBase = class
   procedure Foo; virtual;

TChild= class
   procedure Foo; override;

Now if I call "BaseVariable.Foo" from anywhere, it needs to find Foo in 
the VMT, because the actual object could be of either class.


procedure TChild.Foo;
   inherited;  // or:  inerithed Foo;
   // do more

I thought that in this last case, the compiler would know, that 
inherited points to TBase.Foo; and the compiler would optimize the code, 
to call directly (skipping the VMT) ?

But I guess I am wrong about that? OR how else could the above work?


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