[fpc-pascal] Implementing an interface force me to add _AddRef, _Release

Zaher Dirkey parmaja at gmail.com
Thu Apr 15 11:06:20 CEST 2010

IMyIntf = interface
  function GetValue: Variant;

TMyObject=(TList, IMyIntf)

Can not compile becuase it need to add this functions to TMyObject

         function QueryInterface(const iid : tguid;out obj) : longint;stdcall;
         function _AddRef : longint;stdcall;
         function _Release : longint;stdcall;

While i am not inherit IMyIntf from IUnknown or IInterface, Is there a
way to not add unnecessary functions (for me at least).

Sorry for my bad English, and Thanks in advance.

Zaher Dirkey

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