[fpc-pascal] Incompatible types: got "Extended" expected "SmallInt"

Joseph Montanez jmontanez at gorilla3d.com
Fri Mar 27 07:21:04 CET 2009

Im not sure why its giving me this error, as its pointing right at the
plus signs

G3DPrimatives.pas(34,43) Error: Incompatible types: got "Extended"
expected "SmallInt"
G3DPrimatives.pas(36,43) Error: Incompatible types: got "Extended"
expected "SmallInt"

      2 : Index := Y * Surface^.pitch / 2 + X;
23  procedure DrawPixel(var Surface : PSDL_Surface; X, Y, R, G, B : integer);
24  var
25    Color : longword;
26    Pixel : ^longword;
27    Index : integer;
28  begin
29    New(Pixel);
30    case Surface^.format^.BytesPerPixel of
31      {8bpp}
32      1 : Index := Y * Surface^.pitch + X;
33      {16bpp}
34      2 : Index := Y * Surface^.pitch / 2 + X;
35      {32bpp}
36      4 : Index := Y * Surface^.pitch / 4 + X;
37    else
38      WriteLn('Unsupported byte per pixel');
39    end;
40    Pixel := Surface^.pixels + Index;
41    Color := SDL_MapRGB(Surface^.format, R, G, B);
42    Pixel^:= Color;
43  end;

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