[fpc-pascal] Building latest SVN

Schatzl Thomas tom_at_work at gmx.at
Tue Sep 23 17:25:07 CEST 2008


> Von: Roland Turcan <konf at rotursoft.sk>

> Hello FPC-Pascal users discussions!
> It stops with message:
> > systemh.inc(84,2) Error: User defined: Building trunk is only
> > supported when using the latest release as a starting compiler.

This is intentional, otherwise it would be a maintenance nightmare supporting lots of compiler versions compiling any of the thousands of trunk revisions - theoretically every check-in has to be verified against all previous compilers then. It is not worth the effort. Trunk is work in progress, so it might happen that one or the other version is simply incompatible with the latest changes.

Usually it works though. I.e. worked (?), although as you noticed it sometimes does not - however this is officially unsupported for the above reason.

> but it is uncomfortable to rollback to latest release to build up
> latest SVN.

You only need the ppcXXX executable from the latest build. Copy it to some place you do not overwrite. Use "make FPC=<path_to_release_ppc_executable>" to override the start compiler for compiling.

> There must be "nicer" way, but how.
> PS: What is the reason to show this error?

To avoid hard to reproduce bug reports when somebody is compiling current trunk with a non-release version and it does not work =)

Best regards,

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