[fpc-pascal] TListBox bug in LCL of Lazarus?

Jürgen Hestermann juergen.hestermann at gmx.de
Sun Dec 21 23:00:38 CET 2008

> Well, they cannot put the blaim on the Lazarus converter, but only on 
> their own ignorance with respect to porting to Lazarus. 

Why ignorance? I remember someone asking here how to learn programming 
with FPC/Lazarus and someone else answered that each Delphi learning 
book would do. How does that fit together when such huge differences 
between Lazarus and Delphi exist?

> I have a feeling 
> that the conversion tool is bad publicity for Lazarus that it gives 
> people a false feeling of easy conversion. Lazarus should avoid giving 
> this impression.

A much better way would be to improve the converter in that it gives 
hints about the different coding of strings. This would be enough.

>> The main problem realy is, that (some!) stings are completely omitted 
>> when they are Ansi where UTF-8 is needed. 
> Yes, garbage in garbage out.

Why "garbage"? A correct and running Delphi program was converted to 
Lazarus with the converter, how can it be garbage?

Jürgen Hestermann.

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