[fpc-pascal] Lazarus: graphical interface using code only?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 06:57:40 CET 2008

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 4:48 AM, Ryan Mann <ryan_mann at mac.com> wrote:
> OK thanks, but where can I find information about doing this?  The lazarus
> tutorial on the Wiki talks about using the IDE.

fpGUI Toolkit has a readme.txt file in the 'src' directory explaining
how you can develop applications + fpGUI from the command line, FP
text IDE and Lazarus IDE. fpGUI also includes 20+ demos which are kept
simple and to the point to make it easier to study.

The 'examples' directory also contains a readme.txt file to explain
how to compile them. They all follow the same style as shown below:

The format is as follows:
  fpc @extrafpc.cfg <project main unit>

  fpc @extrafpc.cfg docedit.lpr
  fpc @extrafpc.cfg helloworld.pas

As for using the Lazarus LCL components... You would have to setup FPC
to find all the units and include files in the compiler paths etc...
In fpGUI I have done that for you with the help of the extrafpc.cfg

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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