[fpc-pascal] Looking for a Firebird book?

Inoussa OUEDRAOGO inoussa12 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 22:55:24 CEST 2008


2008/4/9, Graeme Geldenhuys <graemeg.lists at gmail.com>:
> On 09/04/2008, Bee <bisma at brawijaya.ac.id> wrote:
>  >
>  >  I used to think that way too. But, based on my personal experience, in
>  > certain conditions and requirements, implementing logic in database is
>  > inevitable. That's why many databases support server side logic though it's
>  > implemented in various ways (UDF, SP, SF, etc).
>  >
>  >  But I also agree that we shouldn't use this mechanism at all time. Each
>  > decision and choice has its own consequences. ;)
> The reason we stopped using stored procs.....  The speads business
>  rules across layers.... Business rules do no belong in the storage
>  layer - the same reason business logic does not belong in Forms (gui
>  layer).  If they are mixed like that, you cannot write unit tests for
>  them and makes it very hard to debug business rules!

Why couldn't SP be unit tested ? I did it myself numerous time. Tests
do not have to be
written in Object Pascal.

>  But as I said in a earlier post, that's a whole other discussion, and
>  I have no interest in starting a flame war. :)

Stored procedures have their uses, they should not be abused as OOP
should not be abused. Making the business rules in the middle layer
is a good point, but it should not be done at any price; I saw some
code where data are selected and sorted on the middle layer because
of _this_ rule and make the application _very slow_  and consume
too much memory (it could has
been done very efficiently with a few sql commands in a SP).
I do think thatevery method, technic must remain a mean, not a goal.


Inoussa O.

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