[fpc-pascal] some problem in SVN FPC for arm linux (v 2.3.1)

Henry Vermaak henry.vermaak at gmail.com
Tue May 1 12:33:18 CEST 2007

On 01/05/07, josepascual (almudi) <josepascual at almudi.com> wrote:
> I have done it, I'm going to svn/fpc/ directory and I run fpcmake
> -Tarm-linux.
> question:
> a) should I run fpcmake -pw -Tarm-linux?
> b) or should I run fpcmake -rpw -Tarm-linux? (recursive)
> c) or only fpcmake -Tarm-linux

fpcmake -rTall

you shouldn't have to do this if you haven't modified Makefile.fpc in
any of the directories.  it doesn't hurt, though.

> thanks,
> Jose Pascual


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