[fpc-pascal] New stylesheet for fpcunit xml reports

Vincent Snijders vsnijders at quicknet.nl
Fri Feb 9 09:59:34 CET 2007

Graeme Geldenhuys schreef:
> On 2/9/07, Vincent Snijders <vsnijders at quicknet.nl> wrote:
>> True the gui test runner still uses TXMLResultsWriter from xmlreporter 
>> unit. The
>> lazarus console testrunner uses the TXMLResultsWriter from the 
>> xmltestreport unit.
> Ok, no idea what happened!! I removed the IFDEF VER2_0 and made sure
> the second set of units are included.
> I then got a error in line 214 and had to comment it, to get the
> console test to compile.  It said the .Document property doesn't
> exist.  I double checked the TXMLResultsWriter and the
> TCustomResultsWriter and I don't have a Document property.  I would
> guess I need to create a Document property in TXMLResultsWriter and
> let it read the FDoc private variable.  We better create a patch for
> this.

Or update to r6311 of fpc.


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