[fpc-pascal] Re: [lazarus] HelloWorld: gdb.exe crashes

memsom memsom at interalpha.co.uk
Wed Aug 22 12:12:32 CEST 2007

> Lol, Please share if you really have something interesting to say.

I have only my opinions. Maybe they are interesting, maybe not. I have
been a Delphi developer for over 10 years though, so I feel quite
comfortable to comment. I BETA tested Delphi 6 and Kylix 1. I've seen how
bad Borland betas can be (Kylix FT2's IDE didn't even really work - at
all.) Compared to Kylix FT3 (which was extremely complete, but didn't
quite work properly - the DB stuff was a bit messed up IIRC - still has
serious crash issues IIRC too) the released products are certainly no
where as bad as some individuals would make out. Delphi 6 (Illiad) was
extremely unstable in the BETA I saw. It would frequently crash when you
changed project types and the Qt based GUI was really messed up in places
(menus being 2 0r 3cm out of place at runtime - but perfectly aligned when

> I have used all kinds of Delphi versions and

Ditto. I started my first Delphi Job in 1997 using Delphi 1 and Delphi 2.
I've then used every version up til 2006, save 8... never tried 8.

> Delphi 2007 is nearly unworkable for me for large projects.

Dude... try using Visual Studio 2005, then realise you can learn to
appreciate what you have. Try still using Delphi 5, 8 or so years after it
was released (1999 IIRC.)

Many of the issues you rant about, in hideously bad HTML by the way, are
non issues. They either relate to the consistency of look and feel Borland
required between the DotNet designer and the Win32 designer (i.e. the
Palette is that way so it doesn't completely change when you go DotNet),
the DotNet designer does not allow floating Windows at all (yeah, I hate
that too, but I'm not going to chastize Borland for it), and well...

You obviously have some issues with App design in general - re: Modal
dialogs (apparently newbies use these in their design.. crap I must be a

Your rant on tabs is laughable (tabs are evil, *real* programmers use the
"convert tabs to spaces" and set the tabstop to 2 and the indent to 1.) If
you want to reformat, you use a code reformatter... Something I constantly
do in VS2005 as a former coder used 4 or 8 spaces to indent code is not

Suffice to say, contact me off list if you wish to continue this
conversation... this is totally OT.


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