[fpc-pascal] THashedStringList vs TFPHashTable

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 09:12:17 CEST 2006

On 28/09/06, Dean Zobec <dezobec at tin.it> wrote:
> It's a typical use. Choose an appropriate HashTableSize when creating
> the container (approx.the number of the elements you are going to store
> or more), you can test it with different hash functions and see through
> the statistics which one is better (the longer the chains i.e. more void
> slots, the longer the fetch times).
> Dean

Thanks Dean.  We are starting off with about 3400 objects and will be
growing from there, but not at a rapid pace.  Wow, only realized it
now.  Those objects are math lessons created over the last 8 years.
Quite a collection.  :-)  Oh, and for those wondering, I'm not fully
populating all 3400+ objects, they only contain enough information to
appear in a treeview. A proxy pattern is used to populate each object
only when needed.

  - Graeme -

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