[fpc-pascal] fpdoc with UML output

Bisma Jayadi bisma at brawijaya.ac.id
Wed Sep 27 06:38:40 CEST 2006

> Any thoughts on this?

Currently I'm working on a generic diagram framework using Lazarus. I hope I 
can contribute it to Lazarus project. My first aim is to provide UML diagram 
for pascal code (just like ModelMaker in Delphi), hopefully can be integrated 
directly within Lazarus.

But, because I'm too busy with other things (especially my formal job), its 
development progress is not too active lately. But, the basic idea has been 
implemented as TLinkModel (connector-like model) and TListModel (list-like model).

I hope I can finish this project before the end of this year, so we can 
collaborate on the implementation of the model framework.


has Bee.ography at:

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