[fpc-pascal] rotating bits

Florian Klaempfl florian at freepascal.org
Wed May 24 17:33:38 CEST 2006

Пётр Косаревский wrote:
>> On 24 mei 2006, at 10:56, Пётр Косаревский wrote:
>>> Is there high level operator/(inline)function for rotating bits?
>> No.
>>> Am I supposed to implement rotating bits (like ror/rol in i386 asm)  
>>> by inline assembler or some ugly workarounds (shifts and or-s)?
>> Yes. I think there's already a feature request to provide these  
>> operations, but no one worked on it yet.
>> Jonas_______________________________________________
> Why don't use this code?

The inline is useless, assembler procedures aren't really inlinable.

> interface
> {$IFDEF CPUI386}
>  function brol(b: byte; c: byte): byte; assembler; inline;
>  function wrol(w: word; c: byte): word; assembler; inline;
>  function lrol(l: longword; c: byte): longword; assembler; inline;
>  function bror(b: byte; c: byte): byte; assembler; inline;
>  function wror(w: word; c: byte): word; assembler; inline;
>  function lror(l: longword; c: byte): longword; assembler; inline;
> {$ELSE}
>  function brol(b: byte; c: byte): byte; inline;
>  function wrol(w: word; c: byte): word; inline;
>  function lrol(l: longword; c: byte): longword; inline;
>  function bror(b: byte; c: byte): byte; inline;
>  function wror(w: word; c: byte): word; inline;
>  function lror(l: longword; c: byte): longword; inline;
> {$ENDIF}
> implementation
> {$IFDEF CPUI386}
>  function brol(b: byte; c: byte): byte; assembler; inline;
>    asm
>    movb  b,%al
>    movb  c,%cl
>    rolb  %cl,%al
>    movb  %al,result
>    end ['al','cl'];
>  function wrol(w: word; c: byte): word; assembler; inline;
>    asm
>    movw  w,%ax
>    movb  c,%cl
>    rolw  %cl,%ax
>    movw  %ax,result
>    end ['ax','cl'];
>  function lrol(l: longword; c: byte): longword; assembler; inline;
>    asm
>    movl  l,%eax
>    movb  c,%cl
>    roll  %cl,%eax
>    movl  %eax,result
>    end ['eax','cl'];
>  function bror(b: byte; c: byte): byte; assembler; inline;
>    asm
>    movb  b,%al
>    movb  c,%cl
>    rorb  %cl,%al
>    movb  %al,result
>    end ['al','cl'];
>  function wror(w: word; c: byte): word; assembler; inline;
>    asm
>    movw  w,%ax
>    movb  c,%cl
>    rorw  %cl,%ax
>    movw  %ax,result
>    end ['ax','cl'];
>  function lror(l: longword; c: byte): longword; assembler; inline;
>    asm
>    movl  l,%eax
>    movb  c,%cl
>    rorl  %cl,%eax
>    movl  %eax,result
>    end ['eax','cl'];
> {$ELSE}
>  function brol(b: byte; c: byte): byte; inline;
>    var s,r: byte;
>    begin
>    s:=c and $7;
>    r:=byte(b shl s);
>    r:=r or byte(b shr (8-s)); // c may be over 8 and should be processed correctly
>    brol:=r; // "result" is not supported in inline procedures
>    end;
>  function wrol(w: word; c: byte): word; inline;
>    var s: byte; r: word;
>    begin
>    s:=c and $f;
>    r:=word(w shl s);
>    r:=r or word(w shr (16-s)); // c may be over 16 and should be processed correctly
>    wrol:=r;
>    end;
>  function lrol(l: longword; c: byte): longword; inline;
>    var s: byte; r: longword;
>    begin
>    s:=c and $1f;
>    r:=longword(l shl s);
>    r:=r or longword(l shr (32-s)); // c may be over 32 and should be processed correctly
>    lrol:=r;
>    end;
>  function bror(b: byte; c: byte): byte; inline;
>    var s,r: byte;
>    begin
>    s:=c and $7;
>    r:=byte(b shr s);
>    r:=r or byte(b shl (8-s)); // c may be over 8 and should be processed correctly
>    bror:=r;
>    end;
>  function wror(w: word; c: byte): word; inline;
>    var s: byte; r: word;
>    begin
>    s:=c and $f;
>    r:=word(w shr s);
>    r:=r or word(w shl (16-s)); // c may be over 16 and should be processed correctly
>    wror:=r;
>    end;
>  function lror(l: longword; c: byte): longword; inline;
>    var s: byte; r: longword;
>    begin
>    s:=c and $1f;
>    r:=longword(l shr s);
>    r:=r or longword(l shl (32-s)); // c may be over 32 and should be processed correctly
>    lror:=r;
>    end;
> {$ENDIF}
> Comments:
>    I. style/consistency
>       I didn't use all needed {$if}s: current code should word with range checks on both on i386 and not.
>       {$Asmmode} was not used either.
>       First symbol denotes type: while shl/shr emit longword, cyclic shifts shouldn't
>       Endianness is not supported, because I don't understand, why it should be.
>    II. performance
>       "Result" is not supported in the inline mode.
>       I don't know how to use "ret" to achieve the same goal with fewer commands.
> Test:
> program testb;
>   uses commonthingies;
> var i: byte;    b: byte;    w: word;    l: longword;
> begin
> write('Enter byte (dec):');readln(b);
> for i:=0 to 16 do
>   writeln('Orig:',binstr(b,8),'   Left:',binstr(brol(b,i),8),'   Right:',binstr(bror(b,i),8));
> write('Enter word (dec):');readln(w);
> for i:=0 to 32 do
>   writeln('Orig:',binstr(w,16),'   Left:',binstr(wrol(w,i),16),'   Right:',binstr(wror(w,i),16));
> write('Enter lw (dec)  :');readln(l);
> for i:=0 to 64 do
>   writeln('Orig:',binstr(l,32),'   Left:',binstr(lrol(l,i),32),'   Right:',binstr(lror(l,i),32));
> end.
> _______________________________________________
> fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org
> http://lists.freepascal.org/mailman/listinfo/fpc-pascal

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