[fpc-pascal] converting TjanSQL

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Tue Mar 21 10:04:15 CET 2006

On Tue, 21 Mar 2006, Bisma Jayadi wrote:

>> Turn on delphi mode for the package and/or add {$mode delphi} everywhere.
>> (big chance that you have to change the @'s back).
> I just did this, turn on Delphi mode on every single unit. To make sure the 
> class is compiled correctly, though I'd change them later to FPC_OBJFPC mode 
> for better and cleaner syntax. But I'll do it later, after this convertion is 
> done and the code run as expected (within Delphi mode).
>> Without it, it is possible that you now have shortstrings in a lot of
>> places.
> I also did this, turn on LongString mode on every single unit.
> And, unfortunately... I stuck at janSQL unit (main unit of TjanSQL class) at 
> the class constructor method. It's at FEParser.onGetVariable assignment, for 
> precise. Now, FPC can't compile it because of this. Here is the code of the 
> class' constructor:
> ---
> constructor TjanSQL.create;
> begin
>  DecimalSeparator:='.';
>  FQueries:=TList.create;
>  gen:=TStringList.create;
>  FSQL:=TStringList.create;
>  FNameSpace:=TmwStringHashList.create
>              (tinyhash,HashSecondaryOne,HashCompare);
>  FEParser:=TjanSQLExpression2.create;
>  FEParser.onGetVariable:=getvariable; // <- here the compiler stucked!
>  FrecordSets:=TjanRecordSetList.Create;
> end;
> ---
> The error message is "Incompatible type for arg no.1: Got...". If I changed 
> the line into this

Can you give the whole error message ?


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