[fpc-pascal] Trying to make a small makefile with fpcmake

Alexandre Leclerc alexandre.leclerc at gmail.com
Thu Jul 13 16:49:33 CEST 2006

Hi all,

I would like to create a small makefile to clean my source code.
Eventually I also want to compile my application. (The software is a
Lazarus project; I'm under win32).

In the following structure I made two Makefile.fpc:


Code of ./Makefile.fpc:

clean: clean
  $(MAKE) -C bin clean

Code of ./bin/Makefile.fpc:
files=$(wildcard ./*$(OEXT)) $(wildcard ./*$(PPUEXT)) $(wildcard ./*$(RSTEXT))

I compile both files with in ./ :
fpcmake -r

Now when I execute, I get a problem:
make clean
makefile:1341: *** missing separator.  Stop.

Alexandre Leclerc

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